Service Locations  

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Service Location

China agent: Chen Shang Industrial Co., Ltd. in Shanghai has terminated the contract of agency.

Main Market:

South Korea, China, Brazil, Canada, India, Spain, Poland, Italy, New Zealand, USA , Switzerland , Turkey

Service Points:

Chen Sound Industrial Co.,Ltd
TEL: +886-4-25624338
FAX: +886-4-25629520

China Agents (Sales & Service Positions)

Shanghai Huiwen Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd.
TEL: 021-69172124
FAX: 021-69172118

Shanghai Yuan Ding Trading Co.,ltd.
TEL: 021-60296560
FAX: 021-60296562

Beijing Gold Shine Precision Machine Co.,Ltd.
TEL: 0316-7788969
FAX: 0316-7788990